Tips to Keep Your Electricity Bills in Check during Winter in Tallinn

Yep, it happened again – last Friday's electricity prices shot through the roof, leaving everyone in a bit of a panic. If you had to make a sauna between 7 to 8 pm, for example, it would have cost you around 15 euros!

To save our wallets and yours too, we have prepared a list of tips that can be handy in case this happens again (we really hope not lol):

Strategize your Chores

Planning is key.

Visit to anticipate how electricity prices will fluctuate throughout the day. While a single lamp may not break the bank, activities like laundry and dishwashing can impact our bills a lot. Check the optimal times for using these appliances to minimize costs.

Pro tip: Also, keep an eye on the current hour's prices at before hitting start on your washing machine.

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Embrace Minimalism

Dark and cold winters call for coziness, but there's no need to turn your home into a sauna.

Bundle up in warm, comfy clothes and opt for ambient lighting. Dial down the heating a bit and illuminate only the room you're in – a simple move that saves money, adds a touch of comfort to your living space and helps the planet too!

Rethink your Ventilation

Do you really need your ventilation system running at full tilt, especially when there are no guests around? Consider turning it off for a day or two, opening windows briefly for a quick refresh when needed. It's a simple yet effective way to cut back on unnecessary energy consumption.

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Use your Oven Wisely

For the oven enthusiasts out there, optimizing your cooking routine can make a real difference. Take advantage of residual heat by turning off the oven a few minutes before your dish is ready – it keeps cooking while saving energy. Also resist the urge to open the oven door frequently; it takes a significant amount of energy to get back to the desired temperature each time.

Pro tip: After cooking, leave the oven door open to release some heat – it's a double win as it warms your space, especially if it's small.

In conclusion, managing electricity costs in Tallinn demands a blend of conscious choices and practical habits. Our journey through various tips has shown that minor adjustments can yield substantial savings!

While we can't predict future price hikes, staying informed and adopting energy-efficient practices positions us to weather such challenges. πŸ‘€

As we implement these strategies, let's not only safeguard our finances but also contribute to a more sustainable future. By fostering a community-driven approach and embracing a greener lifestyle, we take strides toward building a responsible and cost-effective environment.


All Events in Tallinn from 08/01 to 14/01 ❄️


Where to Go to Escape Estonian Cold Season (from Tallinn)